30 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The conference is now live. Late registrations for the physical conference can be made at the conference venue in Pretoria.

KEYNOTE: Exploring the integration of 4IR technologies in the classroom for the advancement of STEM education

2 Dec 2022, 09:00
ICC-G-DIAMOND - Diamond Auditorium (CSIR ICC)

ICC-G-DIAMOND - Diamond Auditorium


Keynote Talk SA NREN Keynote


Prof. Sune Von Solms (University of Johannesburg)


The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is disrupting every known industry and profession, including that of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Digital technologies are rapidly changing the way industries and professions operate. However, studies found a low level of adoption of 4IR technologies in STEM education in South Africa due to limited awareness about the critical role that innovative technologies can play in the STEM education space.

STEM education in South Africa is overdue for radical transformation and the adoption of 4IR technologies in teaching and learning pedagogy, which includes curriculum integration, teaching methods and assessments, that can ensure current and future South African graduates are sufficiently knowledgeable and skilled to cope with the challenges they will face.

This talk aims to explore the possibilities of integrating 4IR technologies in the classroom and the advantages it offers to improve STEM curriculum, teaching and assessment in the future.

Presentation Materials

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