30 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The conference is now live. Late registrations for the physical conference can be made at the conference venue in Pretoria.

Cost Optimization for High Performance Computing and Research (Capex to Opex Conversion)

30 Nov 2022, 10:15
ICC-U-Crystal+Garnet - Crystal+Garnet Room (CSIR ICC)

ICC-U-Crystal+Garnet - Crystal+Garnet Room


Talk HPC Technology Data Centre Optimisation


Dr Andile Ngcaba (Convergence Partners Investments)


High Performance Computing for Research has always been a capital heavy expenditure, which includes servers, construction of Large Data centers and also other components to support this infrastructure such as 24*7 power and cooling. Today's research involves running high performance server clusters in a grid to solve complicated problems, but the access to capital for researchers to build scalable higher performance computing grids is always a challenge. This topic largely focuses on how high performance computing clusters can be scaled and built using Opex based models allowing a much more user friendly charging model based on usage requirements. This allows sharing of infrastructure across multiple research organizations and also to leverage innovations in Data centers such as cooling, Quantum computing, etc.

Primary author

Dr Andile Ngcaba (Convergence Partners Investments)

Presentation Materials

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