4-7 December 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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® Mango-IO: I/O Metrics Consistency Analysis

6 Dec 2023, 13:50
1-1-2 - Ndau (Skukuza)

1-1-2 - Ndau


Talk Special


Radita Liem (RWTH Aachen, Germany)


Performance tools are inseparable from complex HPC applications’ performance analysis and engineering life cycles. Due to the application’s complexity, various performance analysis tools are created to serve different analysis purposes and provide a deeper look at certain aspects of the applications. Although these tools might operate differently, having coherent information and consistent metrics across all tools is mandatory for ensuring analysis continuity. It is common for performance analysts to switch their usual performance tools due to various reasons and limitations. In this work, we look specifically at the I/O performance analysis tools landscape and introduce Mango-IO to verify the result consistencies between tools and provide tool-agnostic metrics calculation methods. Our analysis and case study provides lesson learned and guideline for ensuring measurement continuity and comparability.

Primary author

Radita Liem (RWTH Aachen, Germany)

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