2018 CHPC National Conference

from Sunday, 2 December 2018 (08:00) to Thursday, 6 December 2018 (17:05)
Century City Convention Centre

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Dec 2018
3 Dec 2018
4 Dec 2018
5 Dec 2018
6 Dec 2018
08:00 --- Registration ---
... (until 10:30) ()
High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA® - Alexander Mavromaras (Materials Design Sarl) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 8)
09:00 High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA®-Universal Cluster Expansion (UNCLE) to study alloy structures, phase-stability and ordering - Dr David Reith (Materials Design Sarl) Dr Clifton Masedi (University of Limpopo) Dr Malatji Kemerdige (University of Limpopo) Dr Alexander Mavromaras (Materials Design Sarl)   (Meeting Room 8)
Introduction to CUDA - Rob Farber (TechEnablement) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 10)
09:00 Introduction to CUDA and Parallel Programming - Rob Farber (TechEnablement)   (Meeting Room 10)
Introduction to HPC - Thomas Sterling (Indiana University) Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 11)
09:00 Introduction to HPC - Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy) Prof. Thomas Sterling (Indiana University)   (Meeting Room 11)
Introduction to Schrödinger’s Drug Discovery Tools - Stephan Ehrlich (Schrodinger GmbH) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 7)
09:00 Introduction to Schrödinger’s Drug Discovery Tools - Dr Stephan Ehrlich (Schrödinger GmbH)   (Meeting Room 7)
Understanding Risk In Shared CyberEcosystems Seminar - Meshack Ndala (CHPC) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 9)
09:00 Understanding Risk in Shared CyberInfrastructure Systems Seminar - Meshack Ndala (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 9)
10:30 --- Morning break ---
... (until 12:30) ()
High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA® (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 8)
11:00 High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA®-Universal Cluster Expansion (UNCLE) to study alloy structures, phase-stability and ordering - Dr David Reith (Materials Design Sarl) Dr Alexander Mavromaras (Materials Design Sarl) Dr Malatji Kemerdige (University of Limpopo) Dr Clifton Masedi (University of Limpopo)   (Meeting Room 8)
Introduction to CUDA (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 10)
11:00 Introduction to CUDA and Parallel Programming - Rob Farber (TechEnablement)   (Meeting Room 10)
Introduction to HPC (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 11)
11:00 Introduction to HPC - Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy) Prof. Thomas Sterling (Indiana University)   (Meeting Room 11)
Introduction to Schrödinger’s Drug Discovery Tools (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 7)
Understanding Risk In Shared CyberEcosystems Seminar (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 9)
11:00 Understanding Risk in Shared CyberInfrastructure Systems Seminar - Meshack Ndala (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 9)
08:00 --- Registration ---
Opening & Welcome - Chair: Dr Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC) (until 09:45) (Hall B+C)
09:00 Welcoming Address - Ms HINA PATEL (CSIR)   (Hall B+C)
09:10 DST DG Opening Address and NICIS Brand Identity Launch - Dr Phil Mjwara (DST)   (Hall B+C)
09:30 CHPC Director Address - Dr Happy Sithole (CHPC)   (Hall B+C)
KEYNOTE 1: Ms Patricia Damkroger, Intel - Chair: Dr Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC) (until 10:30) (Hall B+C)
09:45 KEYNOTE 1: New Era in HPC - Ms Trish Damkroger (intel)   (Hall B+C)
10:30 --- Morning Tea ---
HPC Applications - Chair: Prof Hasani Chauke (Univesity of Limpopo) (until 12:30) (Hall C)
11:00 High throughput computing considerations for Public Health Genomics - Prof. Alan Christoffels (University of the Western Cape)   (Hall C)
11:20 Developing Africa's first Earth System Model on the CHPC Lengau cluster - Dr Nicolette Chang (CSIR)   (Hall C)
11:40 The role of the interface in binary polymer blends - Prof. Giuseppe Pellicane (University of Kwazulu-Natal)   (Hall C)
12:00 First−Principles Study of Semiconductor-Based Photocatalyst Materials for Environmental Remediation - Prof. Penny Govender (Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg)   (Hall C)
HPC Technologies - Chair: Dr Peter Braam (-) (until 12:30) (Hall B)
11:00 Quantum Sensing a New View of the Universe as Revolutionary as the First Telescope - Prof. Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford)   (Hall B)
11:20 Machine Learning with Quantum Computers - Prof. Francesco Petruccione (UKZN)   (Hall B)
11:40 A quantum future of computation - Dr Matthias Troyer (Microsoft)   (Hall B)
12:00 Quantum Computing - Panel Discussion - Dr Peter Braam (-)   (Hall B)
08:00 --- Registration ---
KEYNOTE 2 SANREN: Mr Michael Foley, World Bank (ret) - Chair: Mr Leon Staphorst (until 09:45) (Hall B+C)
09:00 KEYNOTE 3: NRENs: The Pathways to Global Knowledge and Collaboration - Mr Michael Foley (World Bank)   (Hall B+C)
KEYNOTE 3: Prof Elmarie Biermann, Cyber Security Institute - Chair: Mr Leon Staphorst (until 10:30) (Hall B+C)
09:45 KEYNOTE 4: Security Intelligence: Data to Cyber War - Prof. Elmarie Biermann (Cyber Security Institute)   (Hall B+C)
10:30 --- Morning Tea ---
HPC Applications - Chair: Prof Jeanet Conradie (University of the Free State) (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 11)
11:00 Advancing Computational Science in South African Academia through Social and Cyber Networks - Prof. Kevin J. Naidoo (University of Cape Town)   (Meeting Room 11)
11:20 Next-generation DNA sequencing: why HPC is becoming a vital component of biological research - Prof. Peter Teske (University of Johannesburg)   (Meeting Room 11)
11:40 High performance computing in pyrometallurgy - Mr Driaan Bezuidenhout (Mintek)   (Meeting Room 11)
12:00 CORDEX projections of changing tropical cyclones in the IPCC SR1.5 report as performed on the CHPC's Lengau cluster - Prof. F.A. Engelbrecht Mr Mavhungu Muthige   (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Technologies - Chair: Dr Matthew Curry (Sandia National Laboratories) (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 8+9)
11:00 High Throughput Computing in bioinformatics: workflows, containers and emerging paradigms - Mr Peter van Heusden (South Africa National Bioinformatics Institute)   (Meeting Room 8+9)
11:30 Introducing the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Mid Data Centre Facility - Mr Jeremy Main (SARAO / SKA South Africa)   (Meeting Room 8+9)
12:00 Integrating HPC and AI in the Exascale Era : Applications and Platforms - Oliver Blondel (HPE)   (Meeting Room 8+9)
SA NREN - Chair: Dr Renier van Heerden (SANReN, CSIR) (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 10)
11:00 Moving more data, faster - SANReN Data Transfer Pilot Service - Mr Sakhamuzi Hadebe (CSIR - SANReN CA) Kasandra Pillay (SANReN)   (Meeting Room 10)
11:30 Bandwidth and its influence on tertiary education - Prof. Sune Von Solms (University of Johannesburg)   (Meeting Room 10)
12:00 Examining the Threat Landscape of Social Engineering in an Emerging Society - Mr Francois Mouton   (Meeting Room 10)
08:00 --- Registration ---
KEYNOTE 4: Mr Khutso Ngoasheng, SARAO - Chair: Dr Anwar Vahed (CSIR) (until 09:45) (Hall B+C)
09:00 KEYNOTE 5: The MeerKAT Science Data Processing Journey - Khutso Ngoasheng (South African Radio Astronomy Observatory)   (Hall B+C)
KEYNOTE 5 DIRISA: Prof Bhekisipho Twala, University of South Africa - Chair: Dr Anwar Vahed (CSIR) (until 10:30) (Hall B+C)
09:45 KEYNOTE 6: Big Data Analytics: Does Data Quality Really Matter? - Bhekisipho Twala (University of South Africa)   (Hall B+C)
10:30 --- Morning Tea ---
BOF - Mr Emmanouil-Ioannis Farsarakis Facilitators: Ms Weronika Filinger (EPCC, The University of Edinburgh) (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 7)
11:00 Strategies and Challenges of HPC education and training - Emmanouil-Ioannis Farsarakis Weronika Filinger (EPCC at The University of Edinburgh, PRACE)   (Meeting Room 7)
DIRISA - Chair: Mr Sthembiso Mkhwanazi (CSIR) (until 12:30) (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
11:00 Chair/Facilitator - Mr Sthembiso Mkhwanazi (CSIR)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
11:05 The World of Research Data: When Should Data be Closed, Shared or Open? - Dr Heila Pienaar (University of Pretoria Library)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
11:20 Challenges and Opportunities for African Genomics Research - Dr Sumir Panji (UCT Computational Biology Division / H3ABioNet)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
11:35 Digital Scholarship - Surviving a Digital and Data Intensive World - Mr Isak Van der Walt (University of Pretoria)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
11:50 UNISA Research Data Management: A Case Study - Mr Makaba Macanda (UNISA)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
12:05 Research Data Management: The Security Imperatives - Dr Uche M. Mbanaso   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
12:20 Q&A   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
HPC Applications - Chair: Dr Chris Perry (Johnston Matthey) (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 11)
11:00 High Performance Computing for Nature Inspired Metaheuristics - Prof. Nelishia Pillay (University of Pretoria)   (Meeting Room 11)
11:20 The CHPC’s role in key projects at Aerotherm - Mr Wian Van Der Merwe (Aerotherm)   (Meeting Room 11)
11:40 Untapped Potential of Computational Material Science In Kenya - Dr George Manyali (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology)   (Meeting Room 11)
12:00 Simulations of the COSMO model on the CHPC - Dr Mary-Jane Bopape (SAWS) Mrs Patience Mulovhedzi (SAWS)   (Meeting Room 11)
08:00 --- Registration ---
CHPC Industry Engagement Forum - Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 10)
09:00 CHPC Industry engagement session - Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 10)
Chemistry and Material Science SIG Seminar - Jeanet Conradie (University of the Free State) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Carpentry -Mr Peter Van Heusden (South Africa National Bioinformatics Institute) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 7)
Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE - Chris Barnett (University of Cape Town) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 9)
09:00 Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE - Dr Chris Barnett (University of Cape Town) Prof. Kevin J. Naidoo (University of Cape Town)   (Meeting Room 9)
Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel - Michael Steyer Edmund Preiss (Intel) (until 10:30) (Meeting Room 8)
09:00 Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel - Edmund Preiss (Intel) Michael Steyer   (Meeting Room 8)
10:30 --- Morning break ---
CHPC Industry Engagement Forum (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 10)
11:00 CHPC Industry engagement session - Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 10)
Chemistry and Material Science SIG Seminar - Marile Landman (University of Pretoria) (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Carpentry (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 7)
Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 9)
11:00 Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE - Prof. Kevin J. Naidoo (University of Cape Town) Dr Chris Barnett (University of Cape Town)   (Meeting Room 9)
Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel (until 12:30) (Meeting Room 8)
11:00 Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel - Edmund Preiss (Intel) Michael Steyer   (Meeting Room 8)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA® (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 8)
13:30 High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA®-Universal Cluster Expansion (UNCLE) to study alloy structures, phase-stability and ordering - Dr Clifton Masedi (University of Limpopo) Dr David Reith (Materials Design Sarl) Dr Alexander Mavromaras (Materials Design Sarl) Dr Malatji Kemerdige (University of Limpopo)   (Meeting Room 8)
Introduction to CUDA (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 10)
13:30 Introduction to CUDA and Parallel Programming - Rob Farber (TechEnablement)   (Meeting Room 10)
Introduction to HPC (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 11)
13:30 Introduction to HPC - Prof. Thomas Sterling (Indiana University) Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy)   (Meeting Room 11)
Introduction to Schrödinger’s Drug Discovery Tools (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 7)
Tuning and optimization of parallel programs on the CHPC cluster - SAMUEL "STICKS" MABAKANE (CENTRE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING) (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 4)
13:30 Tuning and optimisation of parallel programs on the CHPC supercomputer - SAMUEL "STICKS" MABAKANE (CENTRE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING)   (Meeting Room 4)
Understanding Risk In Shared CyberEcosystems Seminar (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 9)
13:30 Understanding Risk in Shared CyberInfrastructure Systems Seminar - Meshack Ndala (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 9)
15:00 --- Afternoon break ---
High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA® (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 8)
15:30 High-throughput, atomistic multi-scale modeling with MedeA®-Universal Cluster Expansion (UNCLE) to study alloy structures, phase-stability and ordering - Dr Clifton Masedi (University of Limpopo) Dr Alexander Mavromaras (Materials Design Sarl) Dr Malatji Kemerdige (University of Limpopo) Dr David Reith (Materials Design Sarl)   (Meeting Room 8)
Introduction to CUDA (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 10)
15:30 Introduction to CUDA and Parallel Programming - Rob Farber (TechEnablement)   (Meeting Room 10)
Introduction to HPC (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 11)
15:30 Introduction to HPC - Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy) Prof. Thomas Sterling (Indiana University)   (Meeting Room 11)
Introduction to Schrödinger’s Drug Discovery Tools (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 7)
Tuning and optimization of parallel programs on the CHPC cluster (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 4)
15:30 Tuning and optimisation of parallel programs on the CHPC supercomputer - SAMUEL "STICKS" MABAKANE (CENTRE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING)   (Meeting Room 4)
Understanding Risk In Shared CyberEcosystems Seminar (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 9)
15:30 Understanding Risk in Shared CyberInfrastructure Systems Seminar - Meshack Ndala (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 9)
Intel VIP and Invited Speakers Dinner (By Invitation) (until 22:30) (Venue and Details to be confirmed...)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
HPC Applications - Chair: Prof Penny Govender (Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg) (until 15:00) (Hall C)
13:30 AI is impacting HPC everywhere - Mr Rob Farber   (Hall C)
13:50 Computational modelling and capabilities in metal and alloys - Prof. Hasani Chauke (Univesity of Limpopo)   (Hall C)
14:10 Modelling Dry Flue Gas Desulfurisation in a Circulating Fluidized Bed. - Mr Louis Le Grange (North-West University)   (Hall C)
14:30 Effects of Island Shape on Magnetostatic Interactions in Bit Patterned Media for Data Storage - Dr Josephat Kalezhi (Copperbelt University)   (Hall C)
HPC Technologies - Chair: Dr Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Laboratories) (until 15:00) (Hall B)
13:30 Integrating Containers with Storage - Dr Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Laboratories)   (Hall B)
14:00 Understanding and Mitigating Interference between MPI and I/O Traffic on Fat-tree Networks - Dr Kevin A. Brown (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   (Hall B)
14:30 Bytes are Bytes, Right? - Dr Matthew Curry (Sandia National Laboratories)   (Hall B)
15:00 --- Afternoon Tea ---
INDUSTRY CROSSFIRE: Mr Addison Snell, Intersect360 Research - Facilitator: Mr Addison Snell (Intersect360 Research) (until 16:30) (Hall B+C)
15:30 INDUSTRY CROSSFIRE: Market Update: HPC, Hyperscale, and AI - Mr Addison Snell (Intersect360 Research)   (Hall B+C)
Student Poster Session - Facilitator: Dr Daniel Moeketsi (CHPC) (until 17:30) (Hall D)
WELCOME NOTE: Mr Ian Wardrope, Intel - Chair: Dr Happy Sithole (CHPC) (until 18:30) (The Square)
18:30 --- Intel Braai ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
... (until 15:00) ()
HPC Applications - Chair: Prof Cornie van Sittert (North-West University) (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 11)
13:30 Role of High Performance Computing in the Applications of Bio-economically Important Proteins - Prof. Ozlem Tastan Bishop (Rhodes University)   (Meeting Room 11)
13:50 HPC in the De Beers Marine R&D Context - Mr Imraan Parker (De Beers Marine)   (Meeting Room 11)
14:10 On the co-operation between SAWS and CHPC for forecast continuity and Unified Model research in South Africa - Dr Stephanie Landman (South African Weather Service)   (Meeting Room 11)
14:30 HPC insights into chemistry mysteries - Prof. Jeanet Conradie (University of the Free State)   (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Technologies - Martin Hilgeman (Dell EMC) (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 8+9)
13:30 TensorFlow as HPC Infrastructure? - Dr Peter Braam   (Meeting Room 8+9)
14:00 Exploring Real-Time Semantics in Supercomputing - Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy)   (Meeting Room 8+9)
14:30 Digital Earth South Africa: from satellites to insights - Mr Imraan Saloojee (SANSA)   (Meeting Room 8+9)
15:00 --- Afternoon Tea ---
BOF - Facilitator: Dr Khomotso Maenetja (University of Limpopo) (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 11)
15:30 Women in High Performance Computing Africa (WHPC-Africa) - Dr Khomotso Maenetja (UL)   (Meeting Room 11)
Intel Women's Dinner - Host: Ms Trish Damkroger, Intel (intel) (until 20:00) (Hall C (Dinner Hall D))
12:30 --- Lunch ---
DIRISA - Chair: Mr Isak Van der Walt (UP Library) (until 15:00) (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
13:30 Chair/Facilitator - Mr Isak Van der Walt (UP Library)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
13:35 DIRISA Technology Stack - Mr Claude Fortune (CSIR)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
13:50 Integrating Data Upload Service With Digital Object Identifier System - Mr Mbuyiselo Ndlovu (CSIR Employee)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
14:05 The South African Data Management Planning Tool (SA DMP Tool) - Ms Nobubele Shozi (CSIR)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
14:20 Q&A   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
HPC Applications - Chair: Dr George Manyali (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology) (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 11)
13:30 An Overview of Modelling at Johnson Matthey - Dr Chris Perry (Johnston Matthey)   (Meeting Room 11)
13:50 Using High Performance Computing to run large-scale WRFChem Acid Deposition Modelling over the Highveld Region of South Africa - Mrs Suzanne Cawood (EScience Associates (Pty) Ltd)   (Meeting Room 11)
14:10 The simultaneous Optimization of the Nose and Tail Geometry of a High Speed Train for Drag and Crosswind Stability - Ms Andrea Beneke (Prospective Industry and current academic user) Prof. Ken Craig (University of Pretoria)   (Meeting Room 11)
14:30 An Evaluation of Galaxy and Ruffus Workflows System for DNA-seq Analysis - Mr Olabode Ajayi (South Africa National Bioinformatics Institute)   (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Technologies - Kevin A. Brown (Tokyo Institute of Technology) (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 7)
13:30 Infiniband In-Network Computing - Yossi Avni (Mellanox Technologies)   (Meeting Room 7)
14:00 Building HPC infrastructure on public clouds with PBS Works - Mr Alexander Franke   (Meeting Room 7)
14:30 HPC platform efficiency and challenges for a system builder - Mr Martin Hilgeman (Technical Director HPC)   (Meeting Room 7)
15:00 --- Afternoon Tea ---
BOF - Facilitator: Dr Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC) (until 16:30) (Meeting Room 11)
15:30 CHPC PI's and Users BoF - Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 11)
BOF - Facilitator: Mr Bryan Johnston (CHPC) (until 16:30) (Meeting Room 7)
15:30 BOF: HPC Ecosystems - Bryan Johnston (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 7)
DIRISA - Chair: Ms Nobubele Shozi (CSIR) (until 16:30) (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
15:30 Chair/Facilitator - Ms Nobubele Shozi (CSIR)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
15:35 The 2017 High Impact Weather Events over South Africa - Dr Mary-Jane Bopape (South African Weather Service)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
15:50 Infrastructure Services Towards Data Sharing - Ms Ina Smith (Academy of Science of South Africa)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
16:05 ILIFU RDM Research Project: Progress Report - Dr Alecia Naidu (University of Cape Town)   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
16:20 Q&A   (Meeting Rooms 8+9)
KEYNOTE 6: Thomas Sterling, Indiana University - Chair: Dr Happy Sithole (CHPC) (until 18:45) (Hall B+C)
18:00 KEYNOTE 7: Coreless Continuum Computer Architecture - Thomas Sterling (Indiana University)   (Hall B+C)
18:45 --- Prize-Giving Ceremony & Cocktail Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
CHPC Industry Engagement Forum (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 10)
13:30 CHPC Industry engagement session - Werner Janse Van Rensburg (CHPC)   (Meeting Room 10)
Chemistry and Material Science SIG Seminar - Cornie van Sittert (North-West University) (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Carpentry (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 7)
Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 9)
13:30 Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE - Prof. Kevin J. Naidoo (University of Cape Town) Dr Chris Barnett (University of Cape Town)   (Meeting Room 9)
Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel (until 15:00) (Meeting Room 8)
13:30 Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel - Edmund Preiss (Intel) Michael Steyer   (Meeting Room 8)
15:00 --- Afternoon break ---
... (until 17:00) ()
Chemistry and Material Science SIG Seminar (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 11)
HPC Carpentry (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 7)
Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 9)
15:30 Molecular Dynamics and Analysis using BRIDGE - Dr Chris Barnett (University of Cape Town) Prof. Kevin J. Naidoo (University of Cape Town)   (Meeting Room 9)
Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel (until 17:00) (Meeting Room 8)
15:30 Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel - Michael Steyer Edmund Preiss (Intel)   (Meeting Room 8)
17:00 --- End ---