1-3 December 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Conference Videos Available

Leveraging New Interfaces to Low-Latency Storage

2 Dec 2021, 15:45
Talk Storage and IO HPC Technology


Luke Logan (Illinois Institute of Technology)


The gap between I/O performance and memory performance is decreasing due to the emergence of fast, low-latency storage such as NVMe and persistent memory (PMEM). However, traditional interfaces to storage (e.g., POSIX) do not fully leverage these new device characteristics, resulting in significant performance degradation. New interfaces to storage must be utilized in order to achieve the full potential of these low-latency technologies. To demonstrate this, we present pMEMCPY: a simple, lightweight, and portable I/O library for storing data in persistent memory. As opposed to traditional storage APIs, pMEMCPY uses memory mapping. We demonstrate that our approach is up to 2x faster than alternative interfaces to storage under real workloads.

Primary authors

Luke Logan (Illinois Institute of Technology) Gerald Lofstead (Sandia National Labs) Scott Levy (Sandia National Labs) Patrick Widener (Sandia National Labs) Xian-He Sun (Illinois Institute of Technology) Anthony Kougkas (Illinois Institute of Technology)

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