2-6 December 2018
Century City Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Only credit card payments are now online. Delegates making EFT payments should contact Andrew Gill <agill@csir.co.za>.

Women in High Performance Computing Africa (WHPC-Africa)

4 Dec 2018, 15:30
1h 30m
Meeting Room 11 ()

Meeting Room 11

Workshop/BoF proposal B.o.F BOF


Dr Khomotso Maenetja (UL)


The last session on Women in High Performance Computing in South Africa was proposed and held during 2017 annual conference. The major aim of the initiative was to establish a network of Women in HPC in SA, by bringing them together during the meeting. The session was supported and attended by both men and women, and most importantly was supported by CHPC management team. An interim steering committee comprising of women from various institutions and disciplines was established, and will take the initiative going forward. Consequently, we propose to have a session during 2018 annual conference.
It is aimed that at the end of the session and beyond, the following goals would be achieved:

• Being part of the solution: instructions for advocates and allies.
• Best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity.
• Managing the two body problem and achieving effective work-life balance
• Encourage more female learners and students to consider careers in HPC
• Contribute in increasing the number of women and girls participation in HPC through training and networking.
• Share information and resources that foster growth for women in HPC.

Both men and Women are welcome to attend.

Primary authors

Dr Khomotso Maenetja (UL) Raesibe Sylvia Ledwaba (University of Limpopo) Regina Maphanga (CSIR)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.