2-6 December 2018
Century City Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Only credit card payments are now online. Delegates making EFT payments should contact Andrew Gill <agill@csir.co.za>.

For Students

Student Activities and Sponsorships at the 2018 CHPC National Conference


Student Cluster Competition

Teams of undergraduate students selected from the first round in Durban, July 2018, will compete with their clusters in the national competition.


Cyber Security Competition

Teams of undergraduate students selected from the first rounds (during August to October) will compete at the Cyber Security Challenge. Refer to csc.ac.za for more information.



Poster Competition

Postgraduate students are invited to present their research posters at the conference.  All student posters will be included in the CHPC poster competition with prizes awarded for best overall poster, best presentation or visualization of data, and other categories.

Poster display boards will be provided by the CHPC and will be set up in the exhibition area. Display boards will be 900mm wide and posters should be in portrait A1 size. Please note that posters must be in English and must have a title, author's name and affiliation. Students are encouraged to bring posters relating to the theme of the conference or their field of study. All posters should be set up between 2pm and 4pm on Sunday, 2 December 2018 and be removed on Thursday, 6 December 2018 by 12 noon.

HPC Content: your poster must include comments on the HPC aspects of your work, which summarizes the use of HPC or the application to HPC. For example, include information on the HPC application code used, problem size, core counts, memory, scaling, use of OpenMP or MPI, computational challenges, runtime, etc.




Any student or postdoc whose abstract for a poster or talk is accepted may apply for support to attend the conference.  Accommodation and national travel will be provided on successful application. Note that there is a limit to the number of students who can be sponsored, so we cannot guarantee that all applicants will be granted support. Only students registered full-time at a South African university for 2018 and residing inside South Africa are eligible to apply for support.