2-6 December 2018
Century City Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Bandwidth and its influence on tertiary education

4 Dec 2018, 11:30
Meeting Room 10 ()

Meeting Room 10



Prof. Sune Von Solms (University of Johannesburg)


In South Africa, increased access to educational resources is altering the collective face of education. Many in the education field see new technologies as powerful tools to help universities meet the needs of ever-more-diverse student populations. Digital devices, software applications, interactive digital textbooks, e-books, online assessments and various learning platforms offer unimaginable options for tailoring education to each individual student’s academic strengths and weaknesses, personal preferences and financial position. Without a doubt, one key enabler for these educational technologies is fast, robust and reliable broadband. Reliable broadband not only assists on-site students and lecturers at university campuses, but also enables off-site faculty and students to participate in online learning experiences. Our increased dependence on these online learning technologies will continue to increase the demand for more and more bandwidth.

This talk looks at the staggering numbers surrounding the use of fast, robust and reliable broadband at tertiary educational institutions. We consider the growth in Internet traffic at educational institutions, bandwidth costs and the advancement of educational technological tools and media

Primary author

Prof. Sune Von Solms (University of Johannesburg)

Presentation Materials

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