The HPC field is constantly expanding, increasing its geographical and scientific reach. This expansion brings more diversity, enriching the community, but also more training and educational challenges. To address the educational gaps and ensure a continuous growth of HPC practitioners a number of international initiatives appeared within the HPC educational community. The PRACE online courses (MOOCs), ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter, HPC Carpentry and International HPC Certification Program are some of them. For these initiatives to thrive and be useful they need input and support from community members around the world. Come, join us or give your feedback! It’s needed.
Target Audience:
Anyone involved or interested in HPC education and training, including students.
Outline of Programme:
This session will focus on presenting work done to help address educational challenges faced by the HPC community. More specifically, the session will focus on the PRACE online courses (MOOCs), ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter, HPC Carpentry and International HPC Certification Program.
Although many of the challenges faced by HPC educators are common and don’t depend on a specific location or affiliation, some such challenges are more specific to groups of users. Quite often accommodating the extra needs of a smaller group, not only benefits the group in question, but can also benefit the community as a whole. If done correctly, small changes to the education material can improve the learning experience of a significant number of leaners.
Besides presenting the ideas behind the above-mentioned educational efforts, the session will aim to understand the challenges and educational needs faced by the African HPC community to influence the direction in which the global HPC training and education efforts are heading.
The session is meant to be useful to all participants so it will include a number of brief presentations, followed by Q&A sessions and a general discussion. The speakers are either directly involved in or have links to all of the above mentioned initiatives so are in position to answer questions and act on the received feedback.
The proposed session outline:
Presentations interspaced with Q&As:
• HPC Carpentry
• HPC Certification Program
• ACM SIGHPC Education chapter
Presentations and Q&A sessions will be followed by a discussion on interests, challenges, suggestions for improvements etc., possibly with a survey running in the background to drive the conversation.
The session will then close with a summary of its outcomes, any actions identified during the session and information for participants on how to continue the conversation and engagement.