2-6 December 2018
Century City Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Introduction to HPC

2 Dec 2018, 09:00
1h 30m
Meeting Room 11 ()

Meeting Room 11

Workshop/BoF proposal Workshops Introduction to HPC


Prof. Thomas Sterling (Indiana University)Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy)


Where to begin? HPC as a field, a technology, and a tool for a diversity of disciplines that are enabled by it is an interplay of foundational concepts, rapidly evolving knowledge, and skill sets including programming. This one-day tutorial is presented as a beginners’ guide to supercomputing to expose the novice to the breadth of issues needed to begin to understand and use such systems for real-world problems. Included are basic concepts, HPC architecture, benchmarking, parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI, basics of GPU accelerators, and libraries. Participants will be shown live demonstrations of all of these techniques and given opportunities for hands-on experience using the CHPC Petaflops scale supercomputer in South Africa. Questions will be welcome from the attendees throughout the presentations.

Primary author

Prof. Thomas Sterling (Indiana University)


Dr Maciej Brodowicz (Indiana Univeristy)

Presentation Materials

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