2-6 December 2018
Century City Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Optimized Artificial Intelligence Solutions by Intel

6 Dec 2018, 13:30
1h 30m
Meeting Room 8 ()

Meeting Room 8


Michael Steyer Edmund Preiss (Intel)


Join us for one day of hands-on sessions on Artificial Intelligence, and Machine & Deep Learning. Experience a unique opportunity to test out the latest performance optimized frameworks and tools, advanced coding knowledge and best practices to get started implementing AI guided by experts from Intel®.

Target Audience:
Data Scientist, application developers and HPC benchmarkers targeting the deep learning and machine learning domain.

Beginning to intermediate level of domain AI knowledge.
Basic skills of programming , ideally some Python knowldege

Type of tutorial: Mix of lectures and hands-on tutorials

Special Requirements:
Attendees should bring their laptop with an SSH- & VNC client
Attendees will get for hands on-labs also access to the CHPC cluster

Outline of full syllabus:
08:00 Registration
09:00 Introduction
• Introduction round & Agenda
• Introduction Intel Software Developer Tools
• Introduction to Machine Learning / Deep Learning
10:30 Morning Refreshment Break
Classic Machine Learning Tools
• Intel performance Libraries - MKL & DAAL
• Intel Distribution for Python (IDP) Introduction
• IDP Hands on labs
o NumPy & MKL
o K-Means Clustering & DAAL
12:30 Lunch
Deep Learning (DL) Tools
• Intel performance Libraries for DL – MKL-DNN & MLSL
• Intel optimized Frameworks / TensorFlow
o TensorFlow Image Classification Hands-on Lab
o Introduction simple CNN
o Monitored Training Session
15:00 Afternoon Refreshment Break
Deep Learning Tools (cont’d)
• Intel optimized Frameworks / TensorFlow (cnt’d)
o Horovod – distributed classification
o Importing external Images
o Custom batches
• Benchmarking distributed TensorFlow (BKMs)
• Deep Learning Scaling – large scale results (BigDL/Spark)
• Wrap-Up & Q&A
17:00 End of Day

Primary authors

Michael Steyer Edmund Preiss (Intel)

Presentation Materials

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