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Data Management in National Assessments: A Look towards the Future

3 Jul 2024, 14:00
ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium (CSIR ICC)

ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium




Dr Lucy Tambudzai Chamba (Durban University of Technology)


National assessments play a critical role in evaluating educational systems and informing policy decisions. However, the effectiveness of these assessments hinges on robust data management practices. This article delves into the evolving landscape of data management in national assessments, exploring how research data repositories and services can contribute to a more secure, accessible, and sustainable future.
The paper highlights key challenges in national assessment data management, including data security, long-term preservation, and facilitating data sharing for research and improvement. It will then showcase how research data repositories can address these challenges by providing secure storage, standardized formats, and access controls. Additionally, the article will explore how advancements in data services, such as data cleaning, harmonization, and analysis tools, can further empower researchers and policymakers to leverage national assessment data effectively. By fostering collaboration between assessment developers, researchers, and data repositories, the research ensures that national assessment data becomes a valuable resource for generations to come. This article contributes to literature on data management by exploring how research data infrastructure plays a vital role in propelling national assessments towards a data-driven future.

Primary authors

Dr Lucy Tambudzai Chamba (Durban University of Technology) Dr More Chinakidzwa (AI in Women’s College, Higher Colleges of Technology, )

Presentation Materials

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