2-3 July 2024
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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DOCiD (Digital Object Container iD) by the Africa PID Alliance

2 Jul 2024, 08:50
ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium (CSIR ICC)

ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium


Keynote Session


Mr Nabil Ksibi (Africa PID Alliance)


The Africa PID Alliance’s overall objective is to produce DOIs in Africa through its open infrastructure and the integration of different identifiers to disseminate indigenous knowledge , cultural heritage and patent data.

The DOI being produced by the Africa PID Alliance is called the Digital Object Container Identifier (DOCiD TM) which is multilinear in nature and can accommodate different other identifier types and connect to the object being assigned.

To achieve this goal The Africa PID Alliance intends to be a global open infrastructure provider, where partnership conversations have began with the DOI Foundation membership.

In this participation to the honourable DIRISA 2024 Annual National Research Data workshop, we intend to present the latest updates about our DOCiD and seek further collaboration and partnerships to build up on what we achieved so far.

Primary author

Mr Nabil Ksibi (Africa PID Alliance)

Presentation Materials

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