2-3 July 2024
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Bridging the Divide: AI-tools Empowers Data-Driven Research in Africa

Not scheduled
ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium (CSIR ICC)

ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium


Talk Session


Dr Israel Agaku (1. Chisquares Inc. 2. School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Pretoria)



The growing volume, complexity, and diversity of data in Africa present significant challenges and opportunities for research. Limited access to open-access datasets, labor-intensive data analysis methods, and inefficient publication processes hinder research progress, especially in public health—a critical area for improving lives on the continent. AI-powered tools are poised to transform data-intensive research within the African context.


This presentation explores the functionalities of AI-powered tools and their potential to revolutionize epidemiologic and broader data-driven research in Africa. We examine how these tools leverage big data and machine learning technologies to enhance research capabilities and outcomes, with particular focus on the Chisquares platform as an example.


AI-powered tools provide a robust solution for improving data accessibility, research efficiency, and collaboration in Africa through the following features:

Open Data & Security: AI-powered tools democratize data by offering secure access to a centralized repository of large-scale, nationally representative surveys from across Africa and beyond. This approach supports open data practices while ensuring data integrity, standardization, and secure storage in a cloud-based environment. Advanced security measures, including encryption, access controls, and compliance with data protection regulations, are integral to these tools.

Big Data & Machine Learning: Utilizing AI and sophisticated algorithms, AI-powered tools automate over 80% of tasks involved in manuscript preparation, including data analysis and writing. This automation allows researchers to focus more on scientific inquiry and knowledge generation.

Data Management: AI-powered tools streamline the entire research workflow by integrating essential functionalities for all stages of the scientific process, from sample size calculation and sampling to data collection, analysis, writing, and journal submissions. This comprehensive approach eliminates the need to switch between multiple applications, enhancing efficiency and productivity in data management.


AI-powered tools foster data literacy, promote open data practices, and ensure secure research environments, empowering researchers across Africa to generate impactful insights and contribute to improved health outcomes. By promoting efficient data management and leveraging big data and machine learning, these tools stand at the forefront of revolutionizing research data repositories and services for the future.

Primary author

Lungile Nkosi (1. Chisquares Inc., 2. School of Health Systems and Public Health, University of Pretoria)


Dr Israel Agaku (1. Chisquares Inc. 2. School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Pretoria)

Presentation Materials

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