2-3 July 2024
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Quantum ActiveScale - Durable, Secure, S3-Compatible Object Storage for Data Analytics, Active Archiving and Long-Term Retention. Quantum Myriad - Ending the Constraints, Compromises, and Trade-offs of Legacy Storage Architectures.

Not scheduled
ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium (CSIR ICC)

ICC-G-Ruby - Ruby Auditorium




Mr Liam Clifton (Quantum Director for Northern EMEA and South Africa)


Quantum ActiveScale Storage
ActiveScale Object Storage provides a new, innovative approach to creating a simple, ‘always-on’ data repository that scales when and how you need it to—with
the extreme data durability, accessibility, and security required of petabyte-scale growth. With ActiveScale Cold Storage, ActiveScale reduces the cost of storing your cold data sets by up to 80%.

Durable, Secure, S3-Compatible Object Storage for Data Analytics, Active Archiving and Long-Term Retention
Whether you are developing solutions for life and Earth sciences, media production, government programs, web services, IoT infrastructure, AI/ML, or video surveillance, ActiveScale puts an affordable scalable solution within reach. Now, you can build your own private cloud storage environment - and seamlessly grow your data stores from terabytes to exabytes.

Quantum Myriad
Ending the Constraints, Compromises, and Trade-offs of Legacy Storage Architectures
The amount of unstructured data in the enterprise is expected to double over the next 5 years and yet most enterprises continue to store this data on file storage systems that were designed over 20 years ago.

In an attempt to keep pace with this growth and associated performance requirements, scale-out NAS systems have “thrown hardware” at the problem.
Current file and object storage systems have tried to bolt-on flash storage, but these systems were not designed for NVMe flash and can’t provide the
consistent low-latency, high IOPS performance required by today’s applications.

Even more recent all-flash file and object storage systems are shackled to specialized hardware and won’t run natively in the cloud, so they don’t enable
hybrid-cloud infrastructure. This has led to constraints, compromises, and trade-offs that are impacting IT and holding back data driven organizations.

Myriad Brings New Levels of Simplicity and Adaptability to File and Object Storage
Quantum Myriad provides organizations with a totally modern, cloud-native architecture that brings enterprises new levels of simplicity and adaptability
for their unstructured data storage.

Primary author

Mr Liam Clifton (Quantum Director for Northern EMEA and South Africa)

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