Container technology offers a convenient way to package an application and supporting libraries such that moving them from platform to platform can be done without having to rebuild. Additional features, such as stateless execution enable restarting a containerized application with minimal penalty elsewhere. Combining better support for storage into the container ecosystem breaks this stateless model, but offers advantages. This talk will examine the advantages and penalties of this approach and offer solutions to ease adopting the idea.
Presenter Biography
Dr. Jay Lofstead is a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. His work focuses on infrastructure to support all varieties of simulation, scientific, and engineering workflows with a strong emphasis on IO, middleware, storage, transactions, operating system features to support workflows, containers, software engineering and reproducibility. He also works extensively to support various student mentoring and diversity programs at several venues each year including outreach to both high school and college students. Jay graduated with a BS, MS, and PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology and was a recipient of a 2013 R&D 100 award for his work on the ADIOS IO library.