3-7 December 2017
Velmoré Hotel Estate
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

A next generation institutional repository for ALL South African research

6 Dec 2017, 13:30
Rendezvous (Velmoré Hotel Estate)


Velmoré Hotel Estate

96 Main Road (M26) Hennops River Erasmia


Dr Mark Hahnel (figshare)


The institutional repository (IR) has played an integral role in the scholarly infrastructure over the last 25 years. As the dissemination of digital information at the institutional level is accelerating and research outputs are diversifying, we find ourselves at a crossroads of the future direction of the IR. To compound the complexity, not only do researchers want to share research in a variety of formats, they want to share it in ways the traditional scholarly publishing model does not cater to. With the rise of new cultures in research, there is an increasing desire to publish results early and often, iterate on research, and conduct peer review in a more transparent way after the point of publication. With this new style of scholarly communication on the horizon, some have signaled the death knell of the IR, however with some technical improvements, we at Figshare see the IR as the natural home for ALL scholarly outputs, including research data. In this talk we will discuss national pilots of figshare infrastructure to allow all South African academics to get credit for their research.

HPC content

We look to add HPC workflow integration into the fabric of infrastructure that allows South African researchers to easily comply with funder mandates

Primary author

Dr Mark Hahnel (figshare)

Presentation Materials

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