3-7 December 2017
Velmoré Hotel Estate
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Dramatic Changes for HPC Storage and IO

5 Dec 2017, 09:45
Tres Sage (Velmoré Hotel Estate)

Tres Sage

Velmoré Hotel Estate

96 Main Road (M26) Hennops River Erasmia
Invited talk (plenary/keynote) Storage and I/O Plenary


Dr Peter Braam (-)

HPC content

Dramatic changes for Storage and IO in HPC are upon us. Bridging several tiers of storage is becoming a necessity, software will need to improve dramatically to keep up with faster memory and storage devices, and far more nodes will be supplying storage resources. We will talk about roles for technologies such as containers, file systems, object storage and give an overview of a broad class of new data movement software and analogies with the cloud. This is an area with many exciting opportunities and presently only a handful of solutions are available or under development.

Primary author

Dr Peter Braam (-)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.