3-7 December 2017
Velmoré Hotel Estate
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

2017 HPC Landscape and Technology Trends

4 Dec 2017, 15:30
Tres Sage (Velmoré Hotel Estate)

Tres Sage

Velmoré Hotel Estate

96 Main Road (M26) Hennops River Erasmia
Invited talk (plenary/keynote) HPC Techniques and Computer Science Plenary


Mr Michael Feldman (TOP500.org)


As the exascale era approaches, the landscape of high performance computing is changing rapidly. The advent of AI and machine learning has emerged as a major influence in HPC system and component design, and has encouraged users to rethink their traditional workflows. TOP500 News Editor Michael Feldman will recap some of the most important developments in this area that took place over the last year and discuss the broader ramifications for the HPC community.

HPC content

Included in Abstracts

Primary author

Mr Michael Feldman (TOP500.org)

Presentation Materials

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