30 November 2020 to 2 December 2020
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Thank you to all the contributers and attendees.

A new view of the centre of our galaxy with MeerKAT

30 Nov 2020, 14:30
Talk Astronomy and the SKA HPC Applications


Dr Ian Heywood (University of Oxford / Rhodes University / SARAO)


We have used the CHPC Lengau cluster to reprocess the groundbreaking MeerKAT observations of the centre of our galaxy. This presentation will contain an overview of the steps involved in turning the raw measurements from the telescope into radio images of the sky, and why using a large-scale computing facility is essential for modern radio astronomy. We will conclude with the results themselves, some spectacular new views of the diverse range of astrophysical phenomena in this unique part of the sky.

Student? No

Primary authors

Dr Ian Heywood (University of Oxford / Rhodes University / SARAO) Ms Isabella Rammala (Rhodes University / SARAO)

Presentation Materials

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