30 November 2020 to 2 December 2020
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Thank you to all the contributers and attendees.

Calabash - why store your data in a cloud when you can use a gourd ?

2 Dec 2020, 11:00
Talk Storage and IO HPC


Simon Ratcliffe (SARAO)


Tsolo Storage Systems is a leading provider of petascale Ceph storage solutions. Through our partnership with the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, we have delivered some of the largest storage installations in the country.

Our next generation product seeks to democratise the power and cost-benefit of Ceph as an open-source storage solution in order to drastically simplify your storage needs.

Building on top of a custom hardware platform we are able to offer fully managed, user provisioned, S3 storage at a fraction of the price of the incumbent providers.

This talk will highlight the homegrown innovation and technical solutions to local storage problems, as well as the successful public-private partnership with SARAO.

Student? No

Primary authors

Simon Ratcliffe (SARAO) Martin Slabber (SARAO) Jeremy Main (SARAO / SKA South Africa) Khutso Ngoasheng (South African Radio Astronomy Observatory) Mr Thomas Bennett (SARAO)

Presentation Materials

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