30 November 2020 to 2 December 2020
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Thank you to all the contributers and attendees.

Accelerating HPC+AI science workflows using NVIDIA GPU

30 Nov 2020, 15:15
Talk HPC Technology HPC


Dr Gunter Röth (NVIDIA SA)


NVIDIA has early identified the promising HPC – AI convergence trend and has been working on enabling it. The growing adoption of NVIDIA Ampere GPU by the Top 500 Supercomputers highlights the need of computing acceleration for this HPC & AI convergence. Many projects today demonstrate the benefit of AI for HPC, in terms of accuracy and time to solution, in many domains such as Computational Mechanics (Computational Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics…), Earth Sciences (Climate, Weather and Ocean Modelling), Life Sciences (Genomics, Proteomics…), Computational Chemistry (Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics…), Computational Physics. NVIDIA today for instance, uses Physics Informed Neural Networks for the heat sink design in our DGX system.

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Primary author

Dr Gunter Röth (NVIDIA SA)

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