Werner Janse Van Rensburg
All CHPC Users, Principal Investigators and anyone interested in practical use of CHPC computational resources are invited to attend this informal Birds-of-a-Feather Session.
At the start overviews will be presented of the recent usage of the CHPC compute resources (HPC Cluster, GPU Cluster and Sebowa Cloud infrastructure), discussion of new resources to be made available to users and discussion of questions and topics from the audience.
The following presentations will be part of the session:
- Overview of Lengau Usage - Werner Janse van Rensburg
- Overview of Sebowa Cloud Infrastructure – Dorah Thobye, Nkwe Monama
- New HPC Cluster at CHPC – Dorah Thobye, Eric Mbele
- Q&A - All
The session provides an excellent opportunity to meet up in-person with CHPC employees and to meet and engage with colleagues benefiting from CHPC services.
Primary author
Werner Janse Van Rensburg