In recent years, the rising issue of burnout and the new phenomenon of quiet quitting have emerged as major concerns within the workforce, espe-cially among cybersecurity professionals. These phenomena not only undermine employee well-being, but also the security of information systems. Addressing the challenges of these phenomena requires an understanding of the un-underlying organisational factors that contribute to quiet quitting and burnout. This paper analyses the sentiments of cybersecurity professionals and identifies the organisational factors contributing to quiet quitting and burnout among cybersecurity professionals. A sentiment analysis, together with a thematic content analysis was conducted on comments from the subreddit “cybersecurity”, an online forum frequented by cybersecurity professionals. Through these analyses, five organisational factors were revealed that contribute to the onset of quiet quitting and burnout, namely: Work Overload, Poor Workplace Dynamics, Cybersecurity Skills Gap, High-Risk, High-Pressured Job and Continuous Upskilling. This paper therefore contributes to the ongoing discussion regarding burnout and quiet quitting amongst cybersecurity professionals and provides a foundation for future research in this area.