1-4 December 2024
Boardwalk Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Keynote starting now at 19:00.

Profiling Prominent Ransomware Threat Actors

3 Dec 2024, 13:50
BICC.G-W - Wood Rooms (Boardwalk Convention Centre)

BICC.G-W - Wood Rooms

Boardwalk Convention Centre

Talk Cybersecurity / ISSA ISSA


Hendrik Tjaart Pelser (North West University)


In the modern era, the understanding of ransomware should not be limited to its technical aspects. Still, it must also incorporate an understanding of the covert and malicious practices of the ransomware threat actors behind it. By drawing from the strategic wisdom of Sun Tsu, the necessity of understanding the motivations and strategies of one’s adversaries to better defend oneself has become a critical aspect within the field of cybersecurity. Therefore, a comprehensive behavioural profile containing aspects such as affiliations, behaviours, business tactics, and attack strategies must be formulated to know one’s enemy better. Applying a systematic approach to behavioural profiling will, in turn, enable the ability to deconstruct and identify the aspects that contribute to ransomware threat actors’ success. In turn, proactive cybersecurity strategies can be developed to mitigate the aftermath of a ransomware attack effectively. Thus, organisations can systematically counter threats by using insights from in-depth behavioural profiles to negotiate with these ransomware threat actors.

Primary authors

Hendrik Tjaart Pelser (North West University) Marijke Coetzee (North-West University)

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