Coordinator: Mr Bryan Johnston
This session is an opportunity for members of the HPC Ecosystems Community and those that identify as associates / affiliates to convene in-person. The session will allow for members to discuss matters relating to HPC Ecosystems Project as well as broader African HPC and emerging HPC community topics. The 90-minute session will include 60-minutes of prepared talks from members of the community, followed by a further 30-minutes of open time for discussion and meaningful community engagement. Alas, muffins are not guaranteed.
Provisional talks include:
- HPC Ecosystems Project review for 2024
- University of the Witwatersrand - Open OnDemand regional Lab
- HPC Ecosystems monitoring toolchain
- Wits SIG HPC with Ecosystems
- A curriculum for SysAdmin training
- Feedback on an African HPC discovery survey
- HPC Ecosystems Project plans for 2025+
Primary author
Coordinator: Mr Bryan Johnston