1-4 December 2024
Boardwalk Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Keynote starting now at 19:00.

SAWS Climate Services and Infrastructure

4 Dec 2024, 11:00
BICC.G-D2 - D2 Tsitsikamma (Boardwalk Convention Centre)

BICC.G-D2 - D2 Tsitsikamma

Boardwalk Convention Centre



Dawn Mahlobo* (South African Weather Service)


The South African Weather Service (SAWS) is a key part of the country's weather system. SAWS runs a complex system of tools to observe weather. This includes manual weather stations, automatic rain measuring stations, automatic weather stations, weather radars, a network that measures sunlight, and a system to detect lightning. These systems give important information right away for predicting the weather and studying the climate. SAWS uses advanced computer models to create detailed weather and ocean forecasts. These models are important for predicting extreme weather events like cyclones and coastal storms, which can seriously affect communities and businesses. The SAWS climate infrastructure is a changing system that supports the country's work to fight against and adjust to climate change. South Africa is improving its ability to watch for, predict, and react to climate-related problems by using new technologies, strong research efforts, and working with internal and international communities.

Primary author

Dawn Mahlobo* (South African Weather Service)

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