1-4 December 2024
Boardwalk Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Keynote starting now at 19:00.

Data base search through quantum imaging

2 Dec 2024, 14:10
BICC.G-D2 - D2 Tsitsikamma (Boardwalk Convention Centre)

BICC.G-D2 - D2 Tsitsikamma

Boardwalk Convention Centre

Talk Quantum Computing Special


Paola Andrea CONCHA OBANDO (Wits University)


Searching algorithms play a crucial role in quantum computing, enabling the efficient identification of specific elements within large datasets. Grover’s algorithm, a key example, significantly speeds up searches for unstructured data compared to classical methods. Recent advancements have shown the potential of using optical fields as a computational resource to implement Grover’s algorithm, highlighting the advantages of quantum techniques for solving unstructured search problems. We present a novel approach to performing search algorithms through quantum imaging, establishing a link between search algorithms and quantum imaging techniques through complex light. By employing spatially entangled photon states, we demonstrate the equivalence between quantum ghost imaging process and Grover’s algorithm. Our results indicate that entangled structured light offers computational advantages, requiring only a single iteration in our optical adaptation - unlike the typical √N iterations due to the higher-dimensional nature of photon wave-functions

Student or Postdoc? Post-Doctoral

Primary author

Paola Andrea CONCHA OBANDO (Wits University)

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